Xiaomi India has been teasing the launch of Xiaomi 11 Lite NE for a while now. The phone will be the first in the country with the new Xiaomi branding. We can now confirm that the phone will come with three major Android updates and four years of security updates, only announced for the Xiaomi 11T series.
Apart from this, Xiaomi 11 Lite NE will replace some Xiaomi apps with Google’s like the Dialer app, Messages app and the addition of Google Duo. The brand is also set to be packing the 11 Lite NE with NFC chips to take advantage of the Tap and Pay terminals. Other notable features in the phone are the new 6.55-inch AMOLED panel with a 90Hz refresh rate, 240Hz touch sampling rate, 10-bit TrueColor and Dolby Vision support.
The phone will be powered by Snapdragon 778G 5G SoC, with up to 8GB of RAM and Android 11 with MIUI 12.5 on top. This update will allow the users to install MIUI system apps like Calculator, Calendar, Notes and more. The phone has a 64MP primary camera, an 8MP ultra-wide-angle camera, and a 5MP telemacro camera in terms of optics. In addition, there is a side-mounted fingerprint scanner along with stereo speakers.
The phone will be available in four colours, including the new White shade and two RAM/storage versions. While we do not have the exact pricing yet, expect the base model to be priced at INR 23,999. These models will be available during the Amazon Great Indian festival early next month, on Mi.com and Mi stores offline. Additionally, Xiaomi is not discontinuing the Mi 11 Lite 4G model at the moment, and both these two phones will be sold parallel to each other.
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