There have already been rumors about the Poco X5 series getting launched in India by the end of this month itself. Now, there are reports of the phone has received the mandatory TDRA certification, which means the launch is just around the corner. As per reports currently available, the Poco X5 series will comprise two models – the Poco X5 and the Poco X5 Pro. Both the Poco X5 models are also slated for a global launch after it goes on sale in India.
Unfortunately, there is nothing much that the TDRA listing revealed about either of the phone models. That said, experts believe the upcoming Poco X5 is in reality the rebranded version of the Redmi Note 12 5G but with some modifications introduced to allow for better performance. For instance, the Snapdragon 4 Gen 1 chipset that powered the Redmi Note 12 5G might eventually be replaced by the Snapdragon 695 chipset in the Poco X5. On the other hand, the Poco X5 Pro 5G is likely to be the rebranded version of the Redmi Note 12 Pro Speed Edition that was introduced in China only recently.
As for its likely specs, the Poco X5 is expected to come with a 6.7-inch AMOLED display having FHD+ resolution and a 120 Hz refresh rate. As already stated, there is likely to be the SD 695 processor making up the core of the phone. Also, it is LPDDR4x RAM along with UFS 2.2 storage that the model could come with. For optics, there is going to be the triple camera system at the rear comprising of a 48 MP primary camera while an 8 MP front shooter will allow for selfies and video calls. Further, a 5000 mAh battery backed by a 33W fast charger could be powering the phone. The phone will run Android 13 eight out of the box, something that applies to the Pro version as well.
The Poco X5 Pro, on the other hand, is expected to have the same display, that is a 6.7-inch AMOLED panel having a 120 Hz refresh rate and FHD+ resolution. There likely is going to be the more powerful SD 778G chipset powering the phone, coupled with an LPDDR4x RAM and UFS 2.2 storage. The Pro model will also have a triple camera setup but will comprise a 108 MP primary sensor along with an 8 MP ultra wide-angle sensor and a 2 MP macro shooter. For selfies and video calls, there is going to be the 16 MP front shooter as well. Further, it is the same 5000 mAh battery that could power the phone but with a higher rated 67W charger this time. There is also going to be a side mounted fingerprint sensor that will be common for both models.
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